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| Fierce Witch | Witness | Transformation Facilitator | Tender Bird | Shame Slayer | Divine Creatrix |


I may not be your cup of tea. Fortunately, there are some badass babes making some really cool shit for us. Please check out & support the work they are doing.
Do you have a blog or resource you think should be feature here? Please email me to let me know!
High Moon Femme
Feral Tarot
Queering Herbalism
The Crazy Herbalist
Hood Witch
Rita's Spiritual Goods
Thug Witchcraft
My Feminism Involves Witchcraft
Witchy Queers
Lili Holland Hypnotherapy
Manifesting With The Moon
Chani Nicholas Astrology
Galactic Rabbit Horoscopes
Flax & Gold Astrology
The Dark Exact
I was invited to participate in a Major Acana Selfie Project. Here is my selfie interpretation of {I}The Magician!
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