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| Fierce Witch | Witness | Transformation Facilitator | Tender Bird | Shame Slayer | Divine Creatrix |



Sacred Activations are a new spiritual healing system founded by Tamra Oviatt..  Many aspects of our life are blocked or limited because we are connected and enmeshed with  toxic aspects of the Collective Consciousness. Beliefs of scarcity, lack, unworthiness, shame, fear, suffering, sacrifice, struggle and poverty run amuck in our world and can be deeply damaging to our psyche, sense of self & our lives.  We can connect with ourselves and strive to bring more positive energies into our lives, but while we are still connected to the limiting beliefs, fear & trauma of capitalism, imperialism, colonialism & other forms of violence & oppression.  , we will always be dragged back towards those negative energies.  These old group programs are sabotaging us.

When you receive one of the Sacred Activations, you are freed from many limiting programs, and you are disconnected from the Group Consciousness.  This frees you to move forward in a higher more positive vibration without the negative beliefs of the past holding you back.  The resulting changes in your life can be amazing*.

When you disconnect from the fear-based Group Consciousness, the old energies are weakened, and other people will disconnect at the same time.  So, healing yourself with  Sacred Activations also helps to raise the vibration of the people around you and shift the consciousness from fear towards love. 

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