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| Fierce Witch | Witness | Transformation Facilitator | Tender Bird | Shame Slayer | Divine Creatrix |


My mission is to facilitate personal transformation as you disconnect from the stories that no longer serve you and step into your personal power with deep connection to your joy, creativity & desires with purpose, slaying shame & unworthiness along the way.





I was lovingly told by a mentor/guide that I’m a MAC truck full of marshmallows. I spent my first 30 years refusing to share my marshmallows with others. I have experienced an incredible amount of personal trauma and minimized my resilience and personal power to simple luck instead of acknowledging my self-worth or deep inner transformational and magical work. I’m cheeky and irreverent. I’m insecure and ridiculously optimistic.


I’ve spent my life shrinking and puffing up at all the wrong times. In the past I spent so much time and energy trashing my body and spirit, being self-righteous, self-sabotaging, self-absorbed and reactionary. I’ve spent years checking out, fighting with myself and at times with others, under-achieving, overcompensating, and starting things and never finishing them.


If, after all of this, I have learned to be present, speak my truth, transform my struggle into a deep sense of knowing, accepting and loving myself, learned to be courageous by showing up with kindness, warmth and authenticity, learned to sit down, shut up and deeply listen, slay the fuck out of shame when it arises, rewrite the toxic stories that were handed to me, fully experience my success and have a deep loving and intimate relationship with myself, with my magic with others, with my guides & ancestors and with my community then I know you can too!




Chach is a Fierce GQ Femme darling who uses she/her pronouns; who is addicted to personal growth. She is an ENFJ.  She is an 8 in the Eneagram “The Challenger or Protector.” She’s a Libra with a Aquarius moon & Scorpio rising. Her primary love language is acts of service with quality time and touch tied for second. She is a solitary witch weaving magic & ritual into her everyday life. While strengthening her relationship to her familial lineage with the Italian practice of Stregheria she is diligent in decolonizing her practice


Chach is a Certified Professional Coach with over 16 years of professional experience in the field of social work both in direct service to clients and in leadership roles. Her work, at times, is informed by the time she spent in college, but more so by the school of hard knocks. And even more important to these, her work is informed by the clients she works with, and the truth, resilience insights and magic they hold inside of them and allow her the honor to witness.


Chach is a certified Reiki II practitioner and Certified Sacred Activation s practitioner.


Contact me for your free 30-minute confidential consultation



Phone 503-954-3967


Chach M. Heart CPC

Video by Valerie Indira.
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